Medical FAQ
Medical Equipment Frequently Asked Questions
These are some common questions we get asked in the Medical Equipment department.
Q: Will Medicare buy me a seat lift chair?
A: Under certain conditions, Medicare will cover a seat lift mechanism. The following criteria must be met in order to qualify:
- The patient must have severe arthritis of the hip or knee or have severe neuromuscular disease.
- The seat lift chair must be part of the physician's course of treatment and be prescribed to effect improvement, or arrest or retard deterioration in the patient's condition.
- The patient must be completely incapable of standing up from any chair in his/her home.
- Once standing, the patient has the ability to walk.
Q: How much do they pay?
A: Medicare only covers the lift mechanism if you qualify. The current allowable for a mechanism is $350.00. They usually pay 80% of their allowable and if you have a Secondary Insurance they will usually pick up the 20% coinsurance.
*Note: We do not take assignment on seat lifts chairs. Our chairs start at $750.00 and go up. This means that you would pay for the chair you want, we would file for you, and then Medicare would reimburse you directly if you meet medical necessity guidelines. If you are interested in determining if you meet Medicare's guidelines call us at 803-256-3440, ext. 6104. Once you and your doctor discuss your need for the chair and he or she writes you a prescription for one, we will help you determine whether you qualify.
Q: Does Medicare pay for diapers?
A: No, Medicare does not pay for diapers. They also do not cover the following items:
- Bathroom safety equipment
- Exercise equipment
- Massage devices
- Support hose/stockings
- Ultrasonic or portable nebulizers
- Van lifts
- Telephone alert systems
Q: I lost my Medicare card. How do I get a new one?
A: Contact your local social security office immediately. If you move, be sure to let the Social Security Administration know of your new address.
Q: Can I get one of the three or four wheel scooters like I see on TV from Medicare?
A: If you qualify, there are certain models of Power Operated Vehicles (scooters) that they cover. Effective July 1, 2013 you will have to find a Contracted Supplier at 1-800-MEDICARE to provide this type equipment due to the COMPETITIVE BID PROGRAM. You will not be able to choose to do business with your local suppliers like Hawthorne. We do sell these scooters at our Taylor Street store and offer competitive rates starting at $895. Come test drive one today!
Q: How can I get in touch with Medicare?
A: 1-800-MEDICARE or